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Организация: Gaz-System

Наименование организации
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Наименование страны
Страна регистрации
Институты развития и государственные агентства
Облигационный долг

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800 000

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Более 400

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80 000


9 000


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GAZ-SYSTEM’s key task is the transport of gas via the transmission network throughout the country to supply with gas the distribution networks and final customers connected to the transmission system.
The Company’s responsibilities include:
 Coordinated and effective operation of the network while ensuring the required gas quality and supply reliability,
 Provide gas-market participants with equal access to the transmission network,
 Maintain, repair and develop transmission facilities, with due respect to the natural environment,
 Provide each transmission, storage and distribution system operator, and the LNG system, with sufficient information to ensure transport and storage of natural gas as appropriate for safe and efficient operation of the combined systems,
 Provide the system users with the information necessary to obtain effective access to the system,
 Other responsibilities resulting from detailed regulatory provisions and from the Energy Law Act of 10 September 1997, as amended.




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